Introducing our School
Secondary School for Boys

Rockbrook is a secondary school for boys, aged 12-18 years, located on the foothills of the Dublin mountains on scenic campus grounds. Rockbrook is a school that will challenge its students to think independently, to push themselves academically, and become men of character.
Rockbrook was established in 1975 by a group of forward-thinking parents. They recognised that strong, effective partnerships between parents and teachers are essential for children to achieve their greatest potential. This approach continues to lie at the heart of the school to this day.
Our vision for our students: a truly educated, informed and discerning mind, a mature moral foundation, and a comprehensive range of personal and social skills. On this foundation our students can build for the rest of their lives – in higher education, in their careers and the world of work, in their family life, in their contribution to society.
Rockbrook provides a rounded education for boys for the six years of their secondary education, from 1st to 6th Year. Students in 1st to 3rd Year (aged 12 to 15 years) follow the Junior Cycle curriculum, which offers a wide range of subjects and short courses. Transition Year (aged 15-16 years) is a one year programme bridging the Junior and Senior Cycle. The Senior Cycle covers 5th and 6th Year (aged 16-18 years).
Core values underpin and imbue the collaborative relationships between staff, students, and parents, helping us to act in unison each day to maintain our vibrant school community and its common goal. Central to the unique Rockbrook educational experience is our commitment to:
Academic Excellence
Character Development
Collaboration with parents
Catholic ethos
Empowering each student to strive for academic excellence. Each student does his best to achieve the highest academic and intellectual development he can attain, supported by high quality teaching within a stimulating learning environment. Our distinctive, challenging, and varied curriculum places an emphasis on cultivating a spirit of intellectual adventure and life-long habits of study and work.
Helping each student to develop his character. We recognise that achievement in any area of life is built on the character habits, or virtues, that enable this success: hard work, courage, perseverance, optimism, generous service to others. Rockbrook helps each student flourish, drawing out his potential while teaching him how to think for himself and take ownership over his actions.
At Rockbrook we value the role of faith in the lives of our students and their families. Our ethos is an ethos for the whole person. While the school presents to students, in accordance with the doctrines and traditions of the Catholic Church, the timeless Gospel teachings of Jesus Christ, lived simply and sincerely in the ordinary life of the school, Rockbrook is open to and welcomes students of other religious faiths, and always promotes an atmosphere of profound respect for everyone.
The school is kindly assisted in its provision of faith formation and pastoral/chaplaincy services by Opus Dei, a personal prelature of the Catholic Church. Opus Dei provides similar spiritual care to numerous schools and other educational initiatives all over the world.

I believe the school is unique; it has helped my son become the best version of himself and grow into a wonderful young man.