
Late applications for Sept 2024 are still being accepted.

Open Evening: Tuesday September 24th 2024

Attending an Open Evening is an ideal opportunity for you to explore our school and meet some of our students and teachers. The next Open Evening will be on Tuesday September 24th 2024, 5.30pm to 7.30pm. This Open Evening is for primary school boys entering secondary school in September 2025, 2026, 2027 or 2028.

Please click on the button below to book in.

If you are unable to attend the Open Evening, we are happy to welcome you by individual arrangement. To make an appointment, please email secretary@rockbrook.ie.

Enrolment Process

At Rockbrook School, we recognise the importance of selecting the correct secondary school for the student and for his family.  With this in mind, we aim to be as informative and helpful as possible with your enrolment queries. There is no fee for submitting an application for admission to the school. All applications are made online (see below).

Applicants should read the school’s  Admissions Policy prior to completing the application form. The information requested on the application form is required to process your application for admission to Rockbrook. The information provided will be treated confidentially and processed in line with the school’s Admissions Policy.

1st year applications for 2024

The initial window for accepting applications for entry into 1st year in 2024 closed on October 23rd 2023, but late applications can still be made.

2nd-6th year applications

You may apply at any time for a place in 2nd-6th year.  Available places are allocated in accordance with the criteria in our Admissions Policy. 

Too young to apply yet?

If your son is too young to enrol in secondary school, you can keep in touch with us via our Keep In Contact form (to hear about activities and sports camps suitable to his age).

Should you wish to visit or would like further information, please call 01-493 3204 or email enrolment@rockbrook.ie to make an appointment. We are always pleased to meet with prospective students and parents and answer any questions you may have.

Acceptance of a place in the school is secured on receipt of the non-refundable deposit. This deposit is off-set against school fees for first year of entry.


In the year prior to their arrival, incoming 1st Year students are invited to participate in our scholarship examination. It is only open to students already enrolled in a place in the school for the following September.

Students entering 1st Year in September 2024 will be contacted in December 2023 about the scholarship exam, and they can apply then to sit it if they wish.

The exam will be run in mid-January 2024 and decisions on outcomes will be made by the end of that month.


FamEd CLG, the trustees of Rockbrook Park School, have developed a bursary programme for school families. Bursaries are intended to supplement a family’s own resources, and recipients range from families whose ability to pay school costs is quite limited to families who may need only a minor subsidy. Full details on our bursary policy and application process are available on request.

Bursary applications can only be made on behalf of a student already enrolled in the school for the following September, and may be submitted once he has received his Letter of Offer of a place in the school.